What Are Bowling Balls Made Of


Bowling balls are a popular and iconic piece of sporting equipment, used to play the game of bowling. The design and construction of bowling balls has evolved over the years, and today, these balls are composed of a variety of materials, including urethane, polyester, and reactive resin. The core of the bowling ball is usually made from a hard rubber or plastic material, and this is surrounded by a coverstock, which is made from urethane, polyester, or reactive resin. This coverstock material affects the ball’s performance, providing it with the ability to hook, slide, or skid depending on the type of material used. In addition to these materials, bowling balls also may feature a variety of accessories, such as finger holes, thumb slugs, and surface-altering abrasives.

Materials Used in Bowling Ball Construction

Bowling balls are a ubiquitous part of the sport, but have you ever wondered what they’re made of? The answer may surprise you. Bowling balls are constructed using a variety of materials, including polyester, urethane, plastic, and rubber. Each material has its own unique properties that make it ideal for bowling ball production.

Polyester is a thermoplastic material, which is one of the most popular materials for bowling ball production. Polyester has excellent abrasion resistance, making it ideal for use in bowling balls. It is also highly durable and can withstand the rigors of a long bowling season.

Urethane is another popular material for bowling ball production. Urethane is an elastomeric material, which means it has the ability to stretch and rebound. This makes it ideal for creating a ball with a consistent, responsive surface. Urethane is also highly durable and can withstand the wear and tear of a long bowling season.

Plastic is another common material used in bowling ball production. Plastic is lightweight and provides excellent durability. It is also cost-effective and easy to work with. It is often used in combination with other materials to create a unique look and feel.

Finally, rubber is used in the production of bowling balls. Rubber provides excellent shock absorption, which is important for a bowling ball. It is also highly durable and can withstand the rigors of a long bowling season. Rubber is also cost-effective and easy to work with, making it an ideal choice for bowling ball production.

In conclusion, bowling balls are constructed using a variety of materials, including polyester, urethane, plastic, and rubber. Each material has its own unique properties that make it ideal for bowling ball production. Thanks to this variety of materials, bowling balls are able to provide excellent performance and longevity.

Manufacturing Process of Bowling Balls

Bowling balls are one of the most important pieces of equipment for bowlers of all levels. While the traditional wooden bowling balls are no longer in use, modern bowling balls are made of a variety of materials to provide bowlers with the best performance possible. But what exactly goes into making a bowling ball? The process of creating a bowling ball is a complicated one, involving several stages.

The first step in the process is selecting the right materials. The coverstock, which is the outer layer of the ball, is usually composed of a type of polyester or urethane. The core, which is the interior of the ball, is usually made of rubber or plastic, and affects the ball’s weight and trajectory. The coverstock and core are combined in a compression molding machine, and the ball is then heated and cooled to ensure a durable bond.

After the ball is formed, it is sanded and polished to give it a smooth, even surface. The ball is then finished with a coating to give it a glossy look and to protect it from damage. Finally, the ball is usually inspected and tested for quality assurance.

The manufacturing process of a bowling ball is a complex one, but it is important to ensure that the ball is made of the best materials and is produced in a way that provides bowlers with the best performance possible. With a good understanding of the materials and process involved in making a bowling ball, bowlers can make sure they are getting the best possible product.

Advantages of Different Bowling Ball Materials

Bowling balls come in a variety of materials, each with their own advantages. Urethane bowling balls are popular for their durability and ability to hook or spin more than other materials. These balls can provide more control and are great for dry lane conditions. Reactive resin balls are great for oilier lane conditions, giving bowlers more control and a better hook. They are also more durable than plastic balls. Plastic bowling balls are popular among casual bowlers due to their affordability. They are also great for children and beginners due to their light weight and ease of use. Synthetic bowling balls are a new hybrid material that is becoming increasingly popular. These balls are designed to be more durable and offer more control than plastic or urethane balls. They also provide excellent hook potential on oily lane conditions. No matter the material, bowling balls are designed to maximize your bowling performance. It is important to choose the right material for your bowling style and lane conditions to get the most out of your game.

BOWL.com | How A Bowling Ball is Made
Image source: https://bowl.com/welcome/how-a-bowling-ball-is-made

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Bowling Ball

When it comes to bowling, the ball you choose can make or break your game. Picking the right bowling ball is an essential part of making sure you get the most out of your time on the lane. There are several factors to consider when selecting a bowling ball, from the ball’s material composition to its size and weight.

Materials like polyester, plastic, and urethane are used to construct bowling balls, each offering its own unique benefits. Polyester balls are durable and provide strong hooks, while plastic balls are entry-level and great for beginners. Urethane balls are the most expensive but are also the most durable and offer the best hook potential.

The weight of the ball is another important factor to consider, as a ball that is too light or too heavy can affect your performance. Most bowling balls weigh between 6 and 16 pounds. The weight should be based on your strength and size, and it is important to try out several different weights to find the one that works best for you.

The size of the ball is also important, as a ball that is too small or too large can be uncomfortable to hold and throw. Most bowling balls come in standard sizes, and the best ball for you is one that fits comfortably in your hand.

When selecting a bowling ball, it is important to keep in mind the material, weight, and size that will give you the best results on the lane. Choosing the right ball can make all the difference in your game and help you to reach your full potential.

Care and Maintenance for Your Bowling Ball

Bowling balls are made of a variety of materials, including polyester, urethane, and reactive resin. Each type of material has its own characteristics and benefits, so it’s important to know what type of bowling ball you have before you begin any kind of maintenance. Taking proper care of your bowling ball is essential to keep it in top shape. To ensure that your ball performs its best and lasts for years, here are some tips for proper care and maintenance.

Start by keeping your bowling ball clean. Use a soft cloth to wipe down the ball after each use and store it in a cool, dry place. Regular cleaning can help to eliminate dirt and oils that can build up on the surface of the ball and interfere with its performance. Additionally, you may want to lightly apply a small amount of bowling ball cleaner to the surface of the ball. This will help to remove any dust and debris that cannot be removed by simply wiping the ball down.

You should also check the surface of the ball regularly for any cracks or chips. If you find any, you should replace the ball immediately. Any damage to the surface of the ball can significantly reduce its performance and may even be dangerous.

Finally, it’s important to keep an eye on your bowling ball’s weight. Over time, the weight of the ball may change due to the absorption of moisture or other environmental factors. If the ball is too light or too heavy, it can affect your performance. If you notice a significant change in the weight of your ball, it’s important to take it to a professional who can make the necessary adjustments.

Following these tips can help you keep your bowling ball in top condition for years to come. Proper care and maintenance is key to ensuring that your bowling ball performs its best and lasts for years.


As discussed, the composition of a bowling ball can vary depending on the type of ball, and what the bowler intends to do with it. Generally, bowling balls are made of a polyester or urethane coverstock, which is then covered in a thin layer of reactive resin. This combination of materials provides the ball with a strong hook and a durable surface. Additionally, the core is made of either a solid piece of plastic, or a combination of different weights and materials. Ultimately, the combination of materials and the construction of the ball determine its performance. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with different types of bowling balls and their characteristics in order to make the most informed decision when it comes to purchasing a new ball.

FAQs About the What Are Bowling Balls Made Of

Q1: What materials are used to make bowling balls?
A1: Bowling balls are typically made from a combination of polyurethane, plastic, and resin.

Q2: Does the material used to make bowling balls affect performance?
A2: Yes, the material used to make a bowling ball can affect its performance. Different materials can affect the way the ball reacts when it hits the pins, as well as the overall reaction of the pins.

Q3: Are bowling balls customizable?
A3: Yes, bowling balls can be customized with different colors, logos, and designs. Customized bowling balls can be a great way to show off your own personal style and make a statement when you go bowling.


Bowling balls have come a long way since their first introduction in the 1800s. Today, modern bowling balls are made of a variety of materials, including polyester, urethane, reactive resin, and particle-filled plastics. Each material has unique properties and characteristics that make them suitable for different types of bowling. With the advances in technology and materials, bowlers can choose the perfect ball for their specific needs. Ultimately, the materials used to create a bowling ball provide bowlers with the best chance to perform their best on the lanes.

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